Mirantis OpenStack 7.0 - LDAP Fuel Plugin

In the Enterprise world, user authenticates over an Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) most of the time. Openstack Keystone, the identity service, integrates natively with LDAP directories for authentication and authorization services. The configuration of Keystone can be automated using Mirantis LDAP Fuel Plugin.

This article is a step by step guide to integrate Keystone to OpenLDAP but any other LDAP directory including Active Directory could do a perfect job too.

Keystone domains

The Fuel LDAP Plugin is using the concept of Keystone Domains and put domain specific configuration in


Mirantis OpenStack will still be using MySQL for admin and services OpenStack users while cloud consumers can just be added to the LDAP directory.

The following parameters are required to setup Keystone connectivity to LDAP

  • url - URL for connecting to the LDAP server
  • user - BindDN to query the LDAP server
  • password - Password for the BindDN to quesry the LDAP server
  • suffix - LDAP Server suffix
  • user_tree_dn - Search base for users

The Fuel LDAP plugin will then automatically configure Keystone from the argument provided in the Fuel Web UI, for example here is the end result of my configuration file



Note that it is recommended that the assignment information (roles, projects, domains) be kept separate from the identity information (users, groups), so this is exactly what the plugin is doing. He will keep all the OpenStack service accounts and assignement information within the default MySQL database backend and will leverage the directory for user/password information.

Now let see how to build the plugin from source.

Build Plugin

Mirantis publish Fuel plugins on its catalog page but the LDAP one isn’t available there yet. So we have to build it ourselve from the github repository.

Install required packages on Ubuntu 14.04

# apt-get install createrepo rpm dpkg-dev

Clone the repository

# git clone

Install the Fuel Plugin Builder

# pip install fuel-plugin-builder

Build the plugin

# fpb --build fuel-plugin-ldap/
# Plugin is built

Plugin Installation

The artefact produced by the builder is an RPM package that needs to be installed on Fuel Master Node

# cd fuel-plugin-ldap
# scp ldap-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm root@<FUEL_IP>:/tmp
# ssh root@<FUEL_IP>
# cd /tmp

Install the plugin

# fuel plugins --install ldap-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm

You should see the following message

Plugin ldap-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm was successfully installed.

You can check the plugin was correctly installed

# fuel plugins --list
id | name | version | package_version
1  | ldap | 1.0.0   | 2.0.0    

OpenStack Environment and LDAP Plugin Configuration

Now that you have the plugin installed, you can create a new OpenStack environment from Fuel Web UI.

I’m not going to repeat myself, by describing here the workflow to create and configure a Mirantis OpenStack envinronment, please consult a previous article which will guide you thru that process.

Once your environment is created, reach the Settings tab and click in the left column on LDAP Plugin for Keystone

You should input something like this.

Just replace the IP in the LDAP URL field above by your OpenLDAP server IP address and by your domain name everywhere.

If you’ve verified everything, you can deploy your environement and continue on while it’s deploying.

LDAP Server

I’ll now be using Ansible and Bennojoy OpenLDAP role to deploy the LDAP service that will respond to Keystone requests.

ansible-galaxy install bennojoy.openldap_server

This will install the corresponding role below your roles directory.

Make sure you have at least Ansible 1.7 or install or upgrade it, refer to my article on Ansible for an howto.

Now create a Playbook to assign this role to your host with some variables:

- name: Infrastructure Services [LDAP server]
  hosts: dcrouter

   - {role: bennojoy.openldap_server,
   openldap_server_rootpw: mypass,
   openldap_server_enable_ssl: true}    

Replace dcrouter above by the hostname that you’ve declared in your /etc/ansible/hosts file, consult Ansible documentation for further details.

Before executing that playbook, to keep things as simple as possible, enable un-encrypted LDAP communication in the roles/bennojoy.openldap_server/files/slapd file by updating the following line

SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:/// ldaps:/// ldapi:///"

Terminate this process by running the Playbook to configure your node.

 # ansible-playbook bulb-dcrouter.yml

On your target node you can check LDAP Configuration

# vi /etc/ldap/slapd.conf

Try to search for some LDAP entries

ldapsearch -x -w mypass -D"cn=Manager,dc=bulb,dc=int" -b "dc=bulb,dc=int" -s sub "(objectclass=*)"

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=bulb,dc=int> with scope subtree
# filter: objectclass=*
# requesting: ALL

dn: dc=bulb,dc=int
objectClass: domain
dc: bulb

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

Add the following entries by creating file named openstack.ldif with the following content

# vi openstack.ldif

# OrganizationalUnit
dn: ou=Users,dc=bulb,dc=int
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: users

# InetOrgPerson
dn: cn=demo,ou=Users,dc=bulb,dc=int
cn: demo
displayName: demo
givenName: demo
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
sn: demo
uid: demo
userPassword: mypass

Get these entries into your OpenLDAP

# ldapadd -D 'cn=Manager,dc=bulb,dc=int' -f openstack.ldif -w mypass -x

-w your password
-W use this one over -w if you prefer not to have your password in your bash history
-x to use simple authentication instead of SASL

Check your entries are really there

# slapcat

OpenStack Fuel Deployment

At the very end of the Fuel deployment, the LDAP plugin will be run, as you can see below

After a short time you should get


You now have a fully working OpenStack Environment integrated with OpenLDAP, lets check that.


You can now easily access OpenStack Horizon Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard tab and Proceed to Horizon

You’ll quickly realise that Horizon Login page has changed, due to the use of Domains.

It is made possible by changing the Horizon configuration to use Keystone API version 3 in its config file


which now contains


# Overrides for OpenStack API versions. Use this setting to force the
# OpenStack dashboard to use a specfic API version for a given service API.
# NOTE: The version should be formatted as it appears in the URL for the
# service API. For example, The identity service APIs have inconsistent
# use of the decimal point, so valid options would be "2.0" or "3".
OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS = { "identity": 3 }

# Set this to True if running on multi-domain model. When this is enabled, it
# will require user to enter the Domain name in addition to username for login.

You can still authenticate using the admin credentials just by putting default in the Domain field. If you do so and if you go to the Identity > Domains menu you can confirm your domain was really created.

From this page you can restrict all operations to be executed on your domain by clicking on Set Domain Context. See below.

Now click on Identity > Projects > Create Project to create a project within the domain,

As you can see below the Domain ID and Domain Name are already filled with the domain name and ID, you just have to input the project name and description. Click then on the Project Members tab.

Now click on the + sign to add your demo user to this project and click on Create Project. We kept the default Quota for this new project.

If you logout from the admin project, you can try to log back in using the domain and the demo user using our mypass password. You should reach a page like this one, where domains and project are the one expected.

Everything worked as expected, if you had any issues while trying to do the above, continue reading.

Active Directory integration

Integrating with Active Directory is also possible, see below an example of a configuration that works.

user=cn=Bind User,ou=Services,dc=bulb,dc=int


So you should fill out the LDAP plugin form with the specifics for AD integration:

  • User Name Attribute: sAMAccountName
  • User ID Attributed: sAMAccountName
  • User Object Class: person
  • User Enabled/Disabled Attribute: userAccountControl

And you shouldn’t put anything in the User Passord Attribute. Make sure you also check the specifics of your AD setup, that can differ from default above.


The first thing you should check if the testing failed is the accessibility of your LDAP directory from one of your controllers

First install on the OpenStack controller the ldap-utils package

controller# apt install ldap-utils

And try to access your LDAP directory

controller# ldapsearch -x -w mypass  -D "cn=Manager,dc=bulb,dc=int" -b "dc=bulb,dc=int" -s sub "(objectclass=*)" -H ldaps://

Next check your OpenLDAP logs

tail -f /var/log/syslog

You can increase the verbosity of logs in its configuration file /etc/ldap/slapd.conf

loglevel        9

Then restart it

/etc/init.d/slapd restart

If you’ve followed this article, most of the remaining problems should be caused by communication issues between your OpenStack control plane and the LDAP directory. So if it isn’t working still, you can investigate things further

controller# tcpdump -vvv -i br-ex port 389
controller# telnet <LDAP-SRV-IP> 389

Good luck ;)


As you’ve seen, LDAP Fuel Plugin allows to easily connect OpenStack control plane to an external LDAP directory by just providing at least the following informations:

  • url - URL for connecting to the LDAP server
  • user - BindDN to query the LDAP server
  • password - Password for the BindDN to query the LDAP server
  • suffix - LDAP Server suffix
  • user_tree_dn - Search base for users

Keystone LDAP integration use the Standard LDAP objectClass inetOrgPerson. Just make sure it is compliant with the way your directory is structured, or at least change it in the Fuel plugin UI User Object Class variable.

If you have any feedback about this howto, you can reach me on LinkedIn.