MCP Cookbook - Open vSwitch Networking

As we’ve already seen in our previous articles Mirantis Cloud Platform (MCP) is really flexible and can tackle lots of different use cases. Last time we’ve looked at using Ceph as the OpenStack storage backend. Today we are reviewing different ways to leverage Neutron Open vSwitch ML2 plugin instead of the standard OpenContrail SDN solution to offer networking as a service to our users.


To model Open vSwitch Networking in MCP, we first have to choose between different options. What kind of segmentation we’ll be using for our tenant networks, VxLAN or VLAN ? Do we want to use distributed routers (DVR) for East-West routing, and also to directly access floating IPs on Compute ?

Let see how we can achieve all of this and more from our model.

VxLAN or VLAN segmentation ?

Specifying which network segmentation will be used is as simple as specifying it in a single configuration line.

VxLAN segmentation:

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/init.yml
    neutron_tenant_network_types: "flat,vxlan"


  • In the remaining of the article, replace xxx by the cluster name you choosed when you’ve generated your model.
  • If you use VxLAN make sure the data network MTU is set to at least 1550, we’ll see this later.

VLAN segmentation:

Instead set

    neutron_tenant_network_types: "flat,vlan"

If you need to auto assign VLANs ID to your tenant network, you also have to specify a VLAN ID range

    neutron_tenant_vlan_range: "1200:1900"

MCP will then configure these VLANs in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini, we’ll explain bridge mappings in the next chapter but they will be assigned to physnet2 like this

network_vlan_ranges = physnet1,physnet2:1200:1900

So if a tenant then ask for a network, VLAN segmented, an ID within the 1200–1900 pool will be automatically selected, traffic will go thru the bridge associated with physnet2 (br-prv). When an external provider network will be created with a VLAN outside of this range, the traffic will then go thru physnet1 (br-floating) which allow all VLANs (nothing set), it’s an easy way to differentiate tenant networks and external networks traffic paths.

both VxLAN and VLAN segmentation

It’s also possible to allow both VxLAN and VLAN tenant network types with

    neutron_tenant_network_types: "flat,vlan,vxlan"

In this situation the ordering matters, if VLAN is first, neutron will first consume all available VLAN ID from the allocated Pool (network_vlan_ranges) before creating any VxLAN backed network. If it were opposite it would instead create VxLAN backed tenant networks by default.

about neutron VRRP HA routers

Neutron HA router VRRP heartbeat will be exchanged on a tenant network created using the VLAN or VxLAN. In the case above, if you use both, the first one in the list will be choosen. If you want otherwise it’s possible to specify it in l3_ha_network_type but this isn’t parametrized in neutron salt formula yet, so easiest way is to use a good ordering above instead. You also have to know that even if you remove all HA routers of your project, the ha network will stay behind waiting for new routers to be instantiated, but you won’t see these networks, only cloud admin can.

But lets talk again about these routers later on.

Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) ?

Still in openstack/init.yml, you can specify if you want to use DVR or not, with the following parameters.

_param Non DVR DVR east-west
network nodes for north-south
DVR east-west
floating IP on compute
neutron_control_dvr False True True
neutron_gateway_dvr False True True
neutron_compute_dvr False True True
neutron_gateway_agent_mode legacy dvr_snat dvr_snat
neutron_compute_agent_mode legacy dvr dvr
neutron_compute_external_access False False True

All DVR use cases will set router_distributed to True in neutron.conf so all tenant routers will be DVR based by default.

So as an example if you want DVR for both east-west and floating IPs with VxLAN segmentation and L3 HA routers, you should have in your openstack/init.yml

  neutron_tenant_network_types: "flat,vxlan"
  neutron_control_dvr: True
  neutron_gateway_dvr: True
  neutron_compute_dvr: True
  neutron_gateway_agent_mode: dvr_snat
  neutron_compute_agent_mode: dvr
  neutron_compute_external_access: True
  neutron_l3_ha: True
  neutron_global_physnet_mtu: 9000
  neutron_external_mtu: 9000

By having neutron_compute_external_access set as True a bridge mapping (physnet1) to br-floating will be created on compute to allow them to access public network for instance floating IPs. North-South traffic of instances with floating IPs can then avoid to go thru network nodes.

If you use DVR keep in mind that they are incompatible with advanced services (LBaaS, FWaaS, VPNaaS), IPv6 and L3 HA routers but work is under way to add more support.

other settings

When the neutron salt state will be run on our neutron-servers, the following additional settings set in openstack/init.yml can also be applied to its configuration files.

_param meaning /etc/neutron/… conf param default
neutron_l3_ha use VRRP for router HA ? neutron.conf l3_ha False
neutron_global_physnet_mtu MTU of the underlying physical network neutron.conf global_physnet_mtu 1500
neutron_external_mtu MTU associated with external network (physnet1) plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini physical_network_mtus 1500

Neutron Bridge mappings

A bridge mapping is a comma-separated list of <physical_network>: tuples defining provider bridges that connect to physical interfaces used for tagged (VLAN) and untagged (flat) traffic.

Depending on the segmentation you’ve choosen, VxLAN or VLAN different mappings will be configured by our salt-formula-neutron in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini. As you’l see below as soon as you use VLAN tenant network type, a physnet2 mapping will be configured to br-prv.

VxLAN centralized DVR east-west DVR for all
Network nodes physnet1:br-floating
Compute nodes empty physnet1:br-floating
VLAN centralized DVR for all
Network Nodes physnet1:br-floating,physnet2:br-prv
Compute Nodes physnet2:br-prv physnet1:br-floating,physnet2:br-prv

br-floating is a provider OVS bridge, created by admin, connected to the external/public network and mapped to physnet1.
br-prv is a provider OVS bridge, created by admin, connected to the data network (VLAN segmented), it will be automatically connected to the integration bridge (br-int) where all guests are connected. It’s the tenant traffic bridge, mapped to physnet2.

But you don’t have to care too much about these mappings, they are managed by the neutron salt formula based on the value of neutron_tenant_network_types and neutron_control_dvr as described in the above table.

Linux Networking > Bonds and Bridges settings

We’ve just added mapping to Open vSwitch bridges, they need to exist on our nodes or neutron won’t be happy. So lets configure them by specifying Pillar data that will be consumed by our salt-formula-linux for their creation on network and compute nodes.

Pillar data for compute and gateways needs to be specified respectively in classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/compute.yml and classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/gateways.yml.

Network requirements VxLAN VLAN
routing centralized DVR
DVR for all centralized DVR for all
network nodes br-floating
(port on br-floating)
(connected to br-floating)
compute nodes br-mesh
(linux bridge)
br-prv br-floating
(connected to br-floating)

br-mgmt is also required on all nodes for Openstack and other management traffic.

Lets decompose the different requirement in the next few sections.


This Open vSwitch bridge is required in all of our use cases. It can easily be created from this YAML Pillar data snippet that should be present in both gateways.yml and also compute.yml if you want your floating IPs to be directly accessible (DVR for all)

      bridges: openvswitch
          enabled: true
          type: ovs_bridge

It will be useless without any connectivity, so we have to have also a bond with some physical interfaces connected to the public network associated with it. VLAN tagging will be managed on by Neutron API.

          name: ${_param:primary_second_nic}
          enabled: true
          type: slave
          mtu: 9000
          master: bond0
          name: ${_param:primary_first_nic}
          enabled: true
          type: slave
          mtu: 9000
          master: bond0
          enabled: true
          proto: manual
          ovs_bridge: br-floating
          ovs_type: OVSPort
          type: bond
          - ${_param:primary_second_nic}
          - ${_param:primary_first_nic}
          slaves: ${_param:primary_second_nic} ${_param:primary_first_nic}
          mode: 4
        mtu: 9000

You can replace LACP (mode 4), by active-backup if you prefer.

Nics names

You may wonder where these primary_first_nic and primary_second_nic are defined ? We’ve parameterized these Nic names to avoid to repeat ourselves. Each nodes define its nics into classes/cluster/xxx/infra/config.yml like this

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/infra/config.yml
              primary_first_nic: enp3s0f0
              primary_second_nic: enp3s0f1

More parameters for each of our nodes are defined in Mirantis system repo.

For example a cluster of three gateways (gtw01,gtw02,gtw03) are already defined in so you just need to define their nics ${_param:primary_xxx_nic} as shown above, the rest will be inherited. It’s the purpose of Reclass itself, to abstract away the complexity from the cloud admin.

br-mesh | br-prv

Apart from the br-floating, our network and compute nodes also require a connectivity to our data network, using br-mesh (VxLAN) or br-prv (VLAN) for tenant traffic.

br-mesh on compute

On compute, if you’ve selected VxLAN, you have to create a br-mesh linux bridge to handle encapsulated traffic, bind a tenant-address and associate a VLAN subinterface of our bond to it.

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/compute.yml
          enabled: true
          type: bridge
          address: ${_param:tenant_address}
          netmask: <DATA_NETWORK_NETMASK>
          mtu: 9000
          - <BOND>.<VLAN_ID>
br-mesh on network nodes

On Network nodes, br-mesh is an OVS internal ports of br-floating with tag and ip addresses

          enabled: true
          type: ovs_port
          bridge: br-floating
          proto: static
          ovs_options: tag=<DATA_NETWORK_VLAN_ID>
          address: ${_param:tenant_address}
          netmask: <DATA_NETWORK_NETMASK>
br-prv on compute

For VLAN segmentation, you need to create instead a br-priv OVS Bridge and connect a bond to it. VLANs will be managed by Neutron API.

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/compute.yml
      bridge: openvswitch
          enabled: true
          proto: manual
          ovs_bridge: br-prv
          ovs_type: OVSPort
          type: bond
          - ${_param:primary_second_nic} ${_param:primary_first_nic}
          slaves: ${_param:primary_first_nic}
          mode: 4
          mtu: 9000
          enabled: true
          type: ovs_bridge
br-prv on network nodes

On network nodes, br-prv is a OVS Bridge connected to br-floating.

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/gateway.yml
      bridge: openvswitch
          enabled: true
          type: ovs_bridge
          enabled: true
          type: ovs_port
          port_type: patch
          bridge: br-floating
          peer: prv-to-floating
          enabled: true
          type: ovs_port
          port_type: patch
          bridge: br-prv
          peer: floating-to-prv


Lastly br-mgmt is also required on all nodes for Openstack and other management traffic, by the way it isn’t specific to our Open vSwitch ML2 plugin, It’s also required for OpenContrail plugin.

br-mgmt on compute

On compute node it’s a linux bridge connected to a bond subinterface

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/gateway.yml
      bridge: openvswitch
            enabled: true
            type: vlan
            proto: manual
            mtu: 9000
            - bond0
            enabled: true
            type: bridge
            address: ${_param:tenant_address}
            netmask: <MGMT_NETWORK_NETMASK>
            mtu: 9000
            - bond0.<MGMT_NETWORK_VLAN_ID>
br-mgmt on network-nodes

On network nodes, it’s an OVS internal ports ofbr-floating with tag and ip addresses

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/openstack/gateway.yml
      bridge: openvswitch
          enabled: true
          type: ovs_port
          bridge: br-floating
          proto: static
          ovs_options: tag=<MGMT_NETWORK_VLAN_ID>
          address: ${_param:single_address}
          netmask: <MGMT_NETWORK_NETMASK>

Putting all this together !!!

At this stage you may be a bit lost, my explanation is a bit fragmented. But there is an easy way to see all the piece together. You can look at an non DVR/VxLAN model example, look at the gateway.yml and compute.yml files. I hope you see the big picture by now.

Changing hostname

If you have a specific nomenclature to name your nodes (vms or bare metal), you can update your model. For example to change network nodes hostname

# vi classes/cluster/xxx/init.yml
openstack_gateway_node01_hostname: fr-pa-gtw01
openstack_gateway_node02_hostname: fr-pa-gtw02
openstack_gateway_node03_hostname: fr-pa-gtw03

It will also be reflected in the node salt-minion ID. Let me explain how, our salt-formula-salt configure salt minion on our nodes, and use this template as a baseline to configure it. This template set {{ }}.{{ system.domain }} as the ID. If you look more closely in the template, you’ll find this line

{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %}

Now look at linux/map.jinja, you’ll find this

{% set system = salt['grains.filter_by']({
}, grain='os_family', merge=salt['pillar.get']('linux:system')) %}

Which merge our linux:system Pillar data into system which is then imported in our template. So {{ }} in our template, refer to Pillar data linux:system:name. Which in turn is defined in the generated Reclass node configuration when state is run and create the node based on this template and gateway cluster node declaration in classes/system/reclass/system/storage/openstack_gateway_cluster.yml which associate openstack_gateway_node0x_hostname to reclass:storage:node:name.

Here is an example of a generated gateway node YAML where you’ll see that linux:system:name Pillar data is set to our hostname as expected. This is exactly as we said earlier what gets injected in our salt-minion template, and used as the node ID.

# vi /srv/salt/reclass/nodes/_generated/
    linux_system_codename: trusty
      name: fr-pa-gtw01
      cluster: default
      environment: prd

Ok, I’ve lost you :( two options from there, you can forget all of this and just trust me, or read my article on Salt Formula to understand how map.jinja works and then the next article on Using Salt with Reclass to put everything together.

Neutron CLI - cheatsheet

Neutron agent

# neutron agent-list
# neutron agent-show

Restarting agents

gw# service neutron-l3-agent restart
cmp# service neutron-dhcp-agent restart
cmp# service neutron-openvswitch-agent restart

Neutron router

Get a list of virtual routers

# neutron router-list

You’ll get router ID, name external_gateway_info (network_id/snat?/subnet_id/ip), is it distributed and highly available ?

If you need more information about a router, like in which availability zone it is located, tenant_id, is it up ?

# neutron router-show mirantis-router

List all ports of a router

# neutron router-port-list mirantis-router

For HA router you can get the list of active/passive neutron gateways

# neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router mirantis-router

List routers on a agent

# neutron router-list-on-l3-agent

Add/Remove HA from an existing router

# neutron router-update mirantis-router-nonha --admin_state_up=False
# neutron router-update mirantis-router-nonha --ha=<False|True>
# neutron router-update mirantis-router-nonha --admin_state_up=True

Neutron DHCP

# neutron net-list-on-dhcp-agent

L3 HA neutron routers

What you have to know about Neutron router high availability using VRRP/Keepalived

  • Traffic will always go thru a single l3-agent
  • It’s incompatible with DVR
  • Doesn’t address l3-agent failure, rely on ha network to determine failure.
  • The failover process only retains the state of network connections for instances with a floating IP address.

While we talk about virtual routers using VRRP for HA, keep in mind that a single ha network will be created per tenant. Each HA router will be assigned a 8 bit virtual router ID (VRID), so a maximum of 255 HA routers can be created per tenant. This VRID will also be used to assign a virtual IP to each router in the CIDR by default, if a router have a VRID of 4, it wil get, only the master will have it but it’s not going to be used as a gateway by anyone but at least it will be unique.

On top of that each instance of the VRRP router, running on an l3 agent, will be listening on the ha tenant network. It will get assigned an IP address within the l3_ha_net_cidr, by default.

All router gets assigned the same VRRP priority (50), so when an election occurs the one with the lowest IP will always win and become master.

reverting to automatic l3 agent failover

If you don’t like any of these limitations, you can always revert back to non L3 HA routers by default, by setting up

# vi classes/cluster/int/openstack/init.yml
neutron_l3_ha: False

Then by changing the following hardcoded line in your the template configuration file of the neutron salt formula, you’ll then get the original mechanism instead, lets hope a pull request will be merged to avoid this hack in the futur.

cfg01# vi /srv/salt/env/prd/neutron/files/mitaka/neutron-server.conf.Debian
allow_automatic_l3agent_failover = true

Lastly, even when you set the neutron_l3_ha to False, you’ll still be able to create L3 HA routers from the CLI

# neutron router-create my-ha-router --ha=true

Forcing a failover

Find the active gateways and set its ha interface down

ctl# neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router mirantis-router
active-gw# ip netns exec qrouter-4c8c40dc-fd02-443a-a2c9-29afd8592b61 ifconfig ha-3e051b01-80 down

You can also enter the namespace like this

# ip netns exec qrouter-4c8c40dc-fd02-443a-a2c9-29afd8592b61 /bin/bash

All subsequent commands will be ran in the corresponding namespace

# ifconfig ha-3e051b01-80 down

You can observe failover events in a network node in



Linux and neutron salt formulas, combined with MCP Modelling allows to deploy a large spectre of use cases without a great deal of effort which I find pretty nice. Open vSwitch networking is complicated enough, Mirantis Cloud Platform abstract away the complexity of OVS Networking by allowing you to deploy well tested, reference architectures with few lines of yaml, to avoid to spend too much time builbing out your own stuff or troubleshooting corner cases.